01 - Tijdlijn
02 - Ideen verzamelen: gamegenres + 03 Gamerules
04 - Art(ist) game
05 - Onderzoeksvraag
Koude oorlog
Zoektocht naar model of realworld simulatie, de mens wil voorspelbaarheid en controle
Raket simulaties
1958 TENNIS FOR TWO (gebruik makend vd Oscilloscoop)
Leica in de ruimte
Juri Gagarin
Steve Russel PDP-1
Space race --> Space War
Open source
Eerste 'Hackers'
Joystick + Destruction on screen
Vietnam oorlog (op TV)
TV is medium voor slecht nieuws
Ralf Bear MAGNAVOX 1e spel computer
Nolan Bushell 'Lets give it a try'.
Geld verdienen met met games ATARI
1e opdracht maak PONG
-Verandering door bal af te laten buigen op paddles
-1e echte bewuste game
-2 player game
Vrouwen emancipatie
Vrouwen beginnen geld te verdienen aan PONG door in kroeg te spelen voor geld
Vrouwen hebben betere hand oog coordinatie
Eerste Japanse game
Reflectie van Atoombom in games van Japan
Industriele revolutie
1978 Nishikado --> SPACE INVADERS
4 verschillende tonen in de game, geluid gaat sneller als ze dichter in de buurt komen (geluid in spel werkt mee met beleving van het spel(zenuwen door opdringerig geluid))
Fantasie om wereld te beschermen tegen het kwaad
Game explosie in Japan
Genereert generatie kloof in Japan
Verlies in game --> link naar oorlogen (in oorlog verlies je altijd)
Japanse vreemdheid
1e caracter
1e superster
pacman hype
guinnes record
Miss pac-man
Atari verkocht aan Warner
Start ontwikkeling VCS homeconsole ATARI, hernoemd ATARI 2600 (elke titel brengt 100000000$ op.
Einde monopoly van ATARI
Door o.a. Activision
Bushwell stapt op bij ATARI door gebrek aan credits voor ontwerpers
1983 E.T. Slechtste game van ATARI
Game van ATARI flopt
ATARI crashed
Explosie van nieuwe game ontwikkelaars
1985 Rusland (Donker, saai, arm, oorlog somber en sober)
Pajitnov --> TETRIS
Digitale (wiskundige) puzzel, mentale uitdaging
Door val van ATARI succes voor TETRIS
1989 Val Berlijnse muur
Game genre
Adventure & Simulation game genre
Adventure games were some of the earliest games created, beginning with the text adventure Colossal Cave Adventure in the 1970s. That game was originally titled simply "Adventure," and is the namesake of the genre. Over time, graphics have been introduced to the genre and the interface has evolved.
Unlike adventure films, adventure games are not defined by story or content. Rather, adventure describes a manner of gameplay without reflex challenges or action. They normally require the player to solve various puzzles by interacting with people or the environment, most often in a non-confrontational way. It is considered a "purist" genre and tends to exclude anything which includes action elements beyond a mini game.
The earliest adventure games were text adventures, also known as interactive fiction. Games such as the popular Zork series of the late 1970s and early 1980s allowed the player to use a keyboard to enter commands such as "get rope" or "go west" while the computer describes what is happening. A great deal of programming went into parsing the player's text input.
Life simulation games (or Artificial Life Games) involve living or controlling one or more artificial lives. A life simulation game can revolve around individuals and relationships, or it could be a simulation of an ecosystem.
Biological simulations may allow the player to experiment with genetics, survival or ecosystems, often in the form of an educational package. An early example is SimLife, while a relatively recent one is Spore.
Pet-raising simulations (or digital pets) focus more on the relationship between the player and one or few life forms. They are often more limited in scope than other biological simulations. This includes popular examples of virtual pets such as Tamagotchi, the Petz series, and Nintendogs.
Personaly the 'thing' the 'feeling' and the 'experiance' i seek in a game is ENTERTAINMENT. That's the keyword i'm looking for in a game. Not having the feeling that i'm forced to do something in a game but by a natural flow in a game ending up there where i need to be. When i want to go left that i also have that possibility not being forced to go right by the track of a game.
In the chapter game rules & outline game of my blog we stript the game outline of the game FLOW this is a game based upon a simulation of the beginning of life, and the adventure of life.
see: the chapters game rules & outline game for the analysis and see http://intihuatani.usc.edu/cloud/flowing/ (copy or see flow at the links chapter)
escape from woomera
Content: which story is told?
Artist: what is the vision or statement of the maker?
Game: which genre and how are the rules applied?
Medial use: how is immediacy of hypermediacy used?
Content: The story that's comming arcoss isn't so much a political statement or a vision of the maker. It's the story of making choices in a situation where the outcome is unsure. By putting the player in a situation that's not common for the player but is common in todays world (guantanamo bay), it makes the player think about choises that are made wich no one should make. It's a way of thinking not common in a regular life, ant that's the thing thats makes the game work.
Artist: quote: As game developers we do not pretend to offer a political or ethical solution to the plight of refugees in detention. Therefore we have chosen to steer away from a value-loaded, clear-cut set of outcomes representing ‘winning’ or ‘losing’. Instead, we aim to set up a simulated environment where players are empowered to explore the possibilities, to be confronted with dilemmas: ‘What would I do in this situation? What might happen if I do that? How would that make me feel?’
Game: The genre of the game is an Adventure puzzle game a game where the underlying story is important. The adventure part is in the possibility to walk within the detention camp. Exploring new parts and story's and by dealing with puzzles en making choises, the player unlocks new parts of the camp. Wich brings new choises and puzzles.
Medial use immediacy - hypermediacy: By setting the game in firstperson you're there, you're drawn in by the game. You're beleving you're there. quote:‘The Immediacy of something is
its quality of seeming real and important,
so that you feel involved with it.’
This quote actualy is the definition of the word immediacy but is verry appliable to this game. Because all the choises you make, the things you see or do are all very personal choises with consequences. This i something that makes a game very personal, and there for you're drawn in by the game.