Escape from Woomera


Content: which story is told?
Artist: what is the vision or statement of the maker?
Game: which genre and how are the rules applied?
Medial use: how is immediacy of hypermediacy used?

Content: The story that's comming arcoss isn't so much a political statement or a vision of the maker. It's the story of making choices in a situation where the outcome is unsure. By putting the player in a situation that's not common for the player but is common in todays world (guantanamo bay), it makes the player think about choises that are made wich no one should make. It's a way of thinking not common in a regular life, ant that's the thing thats makes the game work.

Artist: quote: As game developers we do not pretend to offer a political or ethical solution to the plight of refugees in detention. Therefore we have chosen to steer away from a value-loaded, clear-cut set of outcomes representing ‘winning’ or ‘losing’. Instead, we aim to set up a simulated environment where players are empowered to explore the possibilities, to be confronted with dilemmas: ‘What would I do in this situation? What might happen if I do that? How would that make me feel?’

Game: The genre of the game is an Adventure puzzle game a game where the underlying story is important. The adventure part is in the possibility to walk within the detention camp. Exploring new parts and story's and by dealing with puzzles en making choises, the player unlocks new parts of the camp. Wich brings new choises and puzzles.

Medial use immediacy - hypermediacy: By setting the game in firstperson you're there, you're drawn in by the game. You're beleving you're there. quote:‘The Immediacy of something is
its quality of seeming real and important,
so that you feel involved with it.’

This quote actualy is the definition of the word immediacy but is verry appliable to this game. Because all the choises you make, the things you see or do are all very personal choises with consequences. This i something that makes a game very personal, and there for you're drawn in by the game.